Saturday, September 12, 2009


Looks like November is going to be a very VERY busy month for the sock toys! We have 4 craft fair/ school event dates in our diary now... I think I'd better stop procrastinating and turn the {sock mountain} into more creatures!
I have plans to make lots more elephants, some mice, a few birds, monsters, robots and a reindeer, amongst others.... really should get of the lappy and onto the sewing machine!!!!

This is Leonard - still one of my favourite creations, I should make some more as I have lots of lion-mane wool and it's a really therapeutic creature to make!

Have a glorious weekend all, it's a perfect autumnal Saturday here. Looking forward to a lovely seafood lunch for my birthday tomorrow and hopefully plenty of crafting time next week now that I've spring/autumn cleaned my house!!

1 comment:

The Bunny Maker said...

Hello! I make sockbunnies and my 'sock pile' looks not unlike yours! lol. I've just approved your membership for Uk Handmade - so,, welcome!